Anh 11- ôn tập

Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
1. When people live in an extended family (gia đình nhiều thế hệ), there is often a __(n)___.
Generation gap (sự khác nhau về tư tưởng giữa thế hệ đi trước và thế hệ tiếp nối)
Viewpoint (quan điểm)
Independence (sự độc lập)
Housework (công việc trong nhà)
2. When Laura suffered (trải qua) a break-up (sự đổ vỡ) in her relationship, she saw a/an __(danh từ chỉ người)__for advice.
Assistant (người giúp đỡ, người phụ tá)
Counselor (cố vấn)
Agency (sự môi giới, sự trung gian, đại lý)
Service (dịch vụ)
3. If you just live with your parents and your siblings (anh chị em ruột), you live in a _(n)__
Nuclear family (một gia đình được hiểu theo nghĩa thuần túy là chỉ có cha mẹ và các con, gia đình hạt nhân)
4. __(n)__ in a multi-generational (đa thế hệ) family are unavoidable (không thể tránh khỏi).
Advantages (lợi thế)
Habits (thói quen)
Conflicts (những sự xung đột)
Punishment (sự trừng phạt)
5. When I am in trouble (rắc rối), my close friend is always willing to (sẵn sàng)_(v)__ and gives me some advice.
Lend an ear (lắng nghe)
Give me a hand (giúp tôi một tay)
Keep contact with (giữ liên lạc với)
Face to face (đối mặt)
6. It is on a luxury cruise ship (chuyến tàu du lịch xa hoa) ___ their wedding will be held.
7. You ___ become more responsible (chịu trách nhiệm) by sharing the housework with other people in our family.
Should (nên)
Ought to (phải)
Had better (nên)
All are correct
8. I didn’t think it was you. Your voice _ (v)__ strange on the phone.
9. I ___ to stay at home to look after my son because there is no one to help me.
Have (have to: diễn tả sự cần thiết phải làm gì nhưng do khách quan)
Must ( không đi cùng ‘to’)
Should ( không đi cùng ‘to’)
Ought (ought to:chỉ sự bắt buộc – mạnh hơn ‘should’ nhưng chưa bằng ‘must’)
10. This perfume ___ amazing. I’ll buy it for my mum’s birthday.
11. You aren’t allowed to take photographs here.
You mustn’t take photographs here.
12. Tom: “How about going to the library to read books?” ~ Long: “___”
Good idea.
13. ___ I first met my girlfriend.
It was in London that
14. Your room ___ messy. When did you last clean it?
15. When teens learn how to use their time _(adj)__, they not only get more tasks accomplished, but they also feel good about themselves and their abilities.
Wise (adj - khôn ngoan, thông thái)
Wisely (adv - rộng rãi, khắp nơi)
Wisdom (n - sự hiểu biết, sự thông thái)
Unwisely (adv - không thận trọng)
16. Over the past few years, in both the USA and the UK, the number of multi-generational households with three or four generations living ___ has increased.
Under the same roof (cùng một mái nhà)
Under the same building (cùng một tòa nhà)
On the same roof (trên một tòa nhà)
Just the same (cùng)
17.Nowadays, children are learning computer skills before they _(v)__ any life skills.
Require (v – cần đến)
Enquire (v – hỏi thăm)
Realize (v – thực hiện, thực hành)
Acquire (v – giành được, thu được)
18. Kids need to have ___ to do things by themselves as early as possible.
Offers (n – lời đề nghị giúp đỡ)
Jobs (n – những công việc)
Conditions (n – những điều kiện)
Opportunities (n – nhuwgx cơ hội)
19. As parents (bổn phận của cha mẹ), one of the most important goals is to ___ children who will become independent and self-reliant in the future.
Raise (v - nuôi dưỡng)
Bring (v – đem lại)
Grow (v – làm cái gì phát triển)
Take (v – dẫn, dắt)
20. ___ their neighbors who they have a very good relationship with.
There are
21. My brother ___ for a job since he graduated from college.
Has been looking
22. I had an argument with one of my close friends, but I’ve managed to ___ with her.
Reconcile (hòa giải +with)
23. To maintain (duy trì) a lifelong ___ you should be sympathetic (thông cảm) and care about your friends’ feelings.
Intimacy. (sự quen thân)
24. A generation gap is ___.
The difference between the young and the old.
25.It’s late. I think we ___ better go.
Had (had better: nên, tốt hơn là)
26. You ___ exercise regularly.
27. Getting involved in (dính líu vào)a romantic relationship doesn’t ___ right for you now. You are too young.
28. It was Tom___ to help us.
Who came
29. Turn off the air conditioner. It’s ___ too cold in here.
30. One disadvantage of living in a/an ___ family is that grandparents may see things from different viewpoints.
31. Teachers and councilor work with _(n/adj)__ students to find out specific need.
Disable (v - làm cho bất lực)
Disabled (adj – không có khả năng sử dụng chân tay)
Disability (n – sự ốm yếu, tàn tật)
32. No one can’t stop him from reaching his dream. He is really a _(n/adj)__ person.
Decisive (adj – kiên quyết)
Responsible (adj – chịu trách nhiệm)
Reliable (adj – đáng tin cậy)
Determined (adj – quả quyết)
33. Teenagers ought to live _(adv)__. It is impossible to (Không thể) rely on their parents all times.
Independent (adj – độc lập)
Independently (adv – độc lập)
Dependently (adv – lệ thuộc, phụ thuộc)
Independence (n – nền độc lập)
34. While most of students gave up, he ___ the whole night on a hard Maths problem and solved it in the end.
Spent (spend +on)
35. Our teacher ___ in this school for 30 years.
Has taught
36.– can you play table tennis? - ____
No, it’s too hard for me.
37. “Can I try your new camera?” – “___”
Sure. But please be careful with it.
38. Effective ___ skills help you break each project down into the achievable tasks.
Time-consuming (tốn nhiều thời gian)
Time-management (quản lí thời gian)
Time-line (dòng thời gian)
39. What are you going to do this weekend? - ___
We intend (dự định) to visit my grandparents.
40. Teens should have the ability to ___ loneliness (sự cô độc).
Deal (deal with: đối phó)
Cope with (đương đầu)
Set up (dựng lên)
Look after (chăm sóc)
41. General ___ skills are part of being independent and responsible.
Housekeeper (người quản gia)
42. The boy ___ his sight due to the accident at the age of nine.
Has lost
43. It’s time for you to stop relying ___ your parents. (rely + on/upon: dựa vào)
44. She strives ___ a balance between studies and relationships.
For (strive for: cố gắng, phấn đấu )
45. Attitude (quan điểm, thái độ) and motivation(động lực) contribute(đóng góp) enormously ___ the success of learning a language.
To (contribute + to)
46. Yoga and meditation (sự suy ngẫm) help to improve the ability to cope ___ stress and anxiety.
47. That situation placed me ___ a loss, which I will never forget.
48. He must have suffered ___ the flu for a long time.
From (suffer from: bị bệnh)
49. You ___ your mobile phone in the examination room.
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