English THCS above, over, under, below or beneath

Bạch Tử Phong

Học sinh
Thành viên
18 Tháng mười 2020
Hà Nam
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Part 1. Use an expression above, over, under, below, or beneath to complete each sentence.
1. He’s too young to be allowed in this bar. He’s …………………
2. Nobody would ever suspect her. She’s …………………
3. There’ll be no trouble about repairing the television if it goes wrong. It’s ………………
4. Don’t let those children get too wild! Keep them…………………
5. He’s taller than most people. He’s of…………………
6. The main thing is, don’t hurt him. …………………, keep him safe.
7. That’s rather unfair. You’re hitting…………………
8. I’m afraid I can’t work for anyone else. You see, I’m …………to my present employers for two years.
9. He whispered the answer. ‘Yes,’ he said,…………………
10. Someone who robs an old lady of all her savings is ………………, and deserves to be punished.
11. Use one of the………………… prepositions to complete these sentences.
12. It’s very frosty this morning. The temperature must have dropped………………
13. Shall we discuss the problem after lunch,…………………?
14. He’s a freelance film director and travels all………………… making his films.
15. The village is well…………………, and at risk of being flooded if the sea wall is breached by a
particularly high tide.
16. Doctors think heart attacks are sometimes brought on by being …………………at home or at work.
17. You’ll have to tell me the truth. Stop trying to pull the wool …………………
18. If you don’t bargain with the market traders, you’ll be paying ………………..for their goods.
HELP ME!!!!!!
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