English THCS Viết lại câu

Yui Haruka

Học sinh
Thành viên
13 Tháng chín 2019
Nam Định
Thcs Nghĩa Hưng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1.Our house is going to be painted by a local firm
=>We are
2."Where is the nearest tube?" she asked
3.I afraid I haven't got time to listen to you.
=> I wish
4.She doesn't usually stay up so late
=> She's not used
5.If I were you,I'd look for another job .
=> I suggest
6.All his suits were made in Paris
=> He
7.I think it may rain
=> It looks as
8.This is his first visit to England.
=> He is
9.He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you
=>. He will come so
10. The fox was unsuccessful in teaching the grapes.
=> The fox tried in
Phiền mn giải thích+ ghi cấu cấu trúc hộ mình nhé. Tks


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
12 Tháng sáu 2018
Thái Bình
1.Our house is going to be painted by a local firm
=>We are
2."Where is the nearest tube?" she asked
3.I afraid I haven't got time to listen to you.
=> I wish
4.She doesn't usually stay up so late
=> She's not used
5.If I were you,I'd look for another job .
=> I suggest
6.All his suits were made in Paris
=> He
7.I think it may rain
=> It looks as
8.This is his first visit to England.
=> He is
9.He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you
=>. He will come so
10. The fox was unsuccessful in teaching the grapes.
=> The fox tried in
Phiền mn giải thích+ ghi cấu cấu trúc hộ mình nhé. Tks
1.Our house is going to be painted by a local firm
=>We are going to have a local firm paint our house
=> We are going to have our house painted by a local firm
* Cấu trúc : CĐ : have sb do st : nhờ, thuê ai làm gì
BĐ: have st done by sb

2."Where is the nearest tube?" she asked
=>She asked where the nearest tube was .
*Cấu trúc: câu gián tiếp có từ để hỏi :
S1+asked +Wh-word +S2+V
trong câu gián tiếp phải lùi 1 thì so với câu chủ động
is==> was

3.I afraid I haven't got time to listen to you.
=> I wish I had time to listen to you.
*Cấu trúc câu ước với wish

4.She doesn't usually stay up so late
=> She's not used to staying up so late
*Cấu trúc : (not) get / be used to Ving (không) quen với viêc gì

5.If I were you,I'd look for another job .
=> I suggest that you should look for another job
S+suggest (that) S+(should) +Vbare .......... : gợi ý, đề nghị ai làm gì (không bao gồm người nói)

6.All his suits were made in Paris
=> He have all his suits made in Paris
*Cấu trúc (giống câu 1)

7.I think it may rain
=> It looks as if it is going to rain
*Cấu trúc S+V (giác quan) + as if/ as though +S +V(hiện tại/ tương lai)

8.This is his first visit to England.
=> He is visting England for the first time
for the first time : lần đâu tiên

9.He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you
=>. He will come so as to be sure of meeting you
*Cấu trúc so as to Vbare = in order to Vbare = to Vbare : để làm gì đó

10. The fox was unsuccessful in teaching the grapes.
=> The fox tried in vain to teach the grapes.
*Cấu trúc : try in vain to do st = be unsuccessful in ving : không thành công trong việc gì đó
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Hàn Tuệ Lâm

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
6 Tháng sáu 2017
Du học sinh
1.Our house is going to be painted by a local firm
=>We are going to have a local firm paint our house
=> We are going to have our house painted by a local firm
* Cấu trúc : CĐ : have sb do st : nhờ, thuê ai làm gì
BĐ: have st done by sb

2."Where is the nearest tube?" she asked
=>She asked where the nearest tube was .
*Cấu trúc: câu gián tiếp có từ để hỏi :
S1+asked +Wh-word +S2+V
trong câu gián tiếp phải lùi 1 thì so với câu chủ động
is==> was

3.I afraid I haven't got time to listen to you.
=> I wish I had time to listen to you.
*Cấu trúc câu ước với wish

4.She doesn't usually stay up so late
=> She's not used to staying up so late
*Cấu trúc : (not) get / be used to Ving (không) quen với viêc gì

5.If I were you,I'd look for another job .
=> I suggest that you should look for another job
S+suggest (that) S+(should) +Vbare .......... : gợi ý, đề nghị ai làm gì (không bao gồm người nói)

6.All his suits were made in Paris
=> He have all his suits made in Paris
*Cấu trúc (giống câu 1)

7.I think it may rain
=> It looks as if it is going to rain
*Cấu trúc S+V (giác quan) + as if/ as though +S +V(hiện tại/ tương lai)

8.This is his first visit to England.
=> He is visting to England for the first time
for the first time : lần đâu tiên

9.He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you
=>. He will come so as to be sure of meeting you
*Cấu trúc so as to Vbare = in order to Vbare = to Vbare : để làm gì đó

10. The fox was unsuccessful in teaching the grapes.
=> The fox tried in vain to teach the grapes.
*Cấu trúc : try in vain to do st = be unsuccessful in ving : không thành công trong việc gì đó
8, visit somewhere/ còn pay a visit mới pay a visit to
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